
Happy Birthday Marge!

My two favorite pictures from Marge Madness 2010: The Big 30!

Ready to take our shots....Marge might still be thinking about it.

WOW! This picture really made me laugh. I loved it! Matt is not interested in high fiving about it. Marge is not sure she enjoyed hers and Stacie is taking her sweet time.

Favorite Marge memories:
1. Doing spooky laughs late at night.
2. Trying to name as many Goldie Hawn and Whoopi Goldberg movies as we can. I think we got stuck after Wildcats and Sister Act....II.
3. When I stole your pillow out from under your head in Hawaii because I lied and told you I brought the pillow from home. You're such a sucker!
I have many, many more but won't embarrass on your birthday!

Your party was a blast!!! Marge Madness year three was the best! Favorite quote: "Wow, Marge Madness has really evolved, it has appetizers." Stephanie (Bigler) Burell